Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Talk by Craig Dana, Senior Vice President, Supply Chain Asia, Tory Burch Hong Kong

On Monday, 30th January, 2017, AUW community was delighted to welcome Mr. Craig Dana, the Senior Vice President, Supply Chain Asia, Tory Burch Hong Kong Limited, and a member of AUW Hong Kong board, for his short visit.

In the afternoon, there was a session held at the Tale Space, where he addressed the AUW community. He visited different classes and during the address he also expressed his admiration about the AUW students. Complementing the outspoken nature of students, he said: “AUW students have got very strong opinions.” Mr. Dana then presented the company Tory Burch, where he is currently working.

The informative presentation encouraged AUW students to pose further questions regarding minimum wage issue, corporate responsibility, luxury goods, liberal education, job market and such other issues. Mr. Dana especially emphasized the value of liberal arts education on equipping students with the ability to think critically, to communicate creatively, to extend the spheres of knowledge and a wide range of skills. Mr. Dana concluded his address with an advice: “You have to know what your strengths are, what you are passionate at, and what motivates you.”




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