Friday, 21 April 2017

The Invictus Show

Only thirty days left to graduate for ‘Invictus’, the Class of 2017. Presentations, assignments, labs, final exams or final paper due dates are knocking at the door- all in all, end of the semester is approaching soon with all its dark glory wrapped in pressure, frustration and stress. On top of it all, for the graduating batch, the bow on this dark gift box is the “thesis works”. However, even in this super demanding time, the seniors found a way to arrange a fabulous final show for the students!
Tonight the 20G rooftop was packed with students of all years as they laughed, cheered, and became emotional with the last stage performances by the seniors. From the very first to the last moment, ‘The Invictus Show’ successfully entertained the students, and once again reminded how much the AUW campus will miss their presence in future. The diverse and energetic performances proved that the high-spirit of AUW students will glow forever even in the most difficult times. 

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